Community arts projects provide opportunities to connect with others, create, learn and play. That was my goal from a project on the weekend, where we made fabric twine to add to an outdoor fibre art installation at the Arbor Gallery in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. 

But mostly it was about enjoying a couple of hours of slowing down, just breathing, feeling the tactile nature of the fabric while working with our hands.  Chatting, making new friends, and enjoying a beautiful September day. 

What are some keys from such projects? Making sure it is accessible to all. Offering alternatives and being flexible. There were no rules for this project - everyone was able to add their own voice to the project, as they decided on colours, style and how to hang on the installation.

All in all, a great success. Thanks to all who participated.


communityartsproject hashtagOntarioCultureDays hashtagfabrictwine hashtagfibreart hashtagartforhealth hashtagartistherapeutic hashtagoutdoorfibreart hashtagfibreartinstallation hashtagartinstallation

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Community arts projects provide opportunities to connect with others, create, learn and play. That was my goal from a project on the weekend...