We spend months planning, preparing, organizing for an art show, wedding or other large event, and are thrilled when the big day comes and see all our hard work come together. We rejoice during the event, taking stock of what worked well, kicking ourselves for what didn't.

And ever so quickly, it's all over. Just like that. Suddenly, just the final paperwork and some clean-up. And reliving the memories.

It's easy for the blues to set in afterwards, after spending so many months planning. You'd think the high would stay, but reality often sets in. It's a rather common phenomenon in fact to feel down afterwards.

You may start wondering what to work on next. In my case I didn't have another project or goal in mind to start preparing for, just a number of small tasks needing done that I had been neglecting. Many don't have a post-event plan as the show may have been a one-time thing. Or we may have simply been looking forward to some well-earned downtime. 

Some rest is needed before embarking on the next project. The fatigue we feel after an event may come as a surprise.  But as day to day normalness sets in, we begin to ponder our next purpose. I have things I should be doing to catch up, you know, some cleaning, weeding the garden, writing some blog posts, a few messes that sorely need re-organizing. But, honestly, I just didn't feel like doing these for a good 10 days or so after my art show opened. And even though I have an idea for a new smallish project, my get up and go seems to have - well - got up and gone. 

So, what can we do to prevent and/or improve these blues? 

  • Be prepared. We know these feelings will likely surface. The right mindset makes a big difference.
  • Recognize that these feelings will pass. We just need a bit of time, and rest. It can last days or weeks but knowing it will end is what's important.
  • Enjoy the memories. If it's the type of event you'll be running again, make notes on what you would change, what you would do differently next time. Savour the areas that worked particularly well. Organize your photographs of the event so you have a good reference for the future. 
  • Review the original goals for your event. Did you meet the goals or do you need to tweak some areas. What are some new goals you can set. See my post on 12 objectives for participating in art shows for some different perspectives.
  • Tap into your social network. Spend time with friends and family. Go out and do some fun activities. Catch up on what others are doing.
  • Spend time in nature. Nature is always healing and helps ground us. Go for long, slow walks, sit by a river or lake, plan a picnic with a significant other. If it's winter, walking, skiing, skating or snowshoeing are good activities.

  • Pay attention to clues and niggles that may become your next project. There's no need to act on anything right away, in fact the recharging time is necessary. Just be aware, note in a journal these types of observations, then after a few weeks see if the ideas have quietly slipped away or if you are starting to see a pattern. When we wait, we'll know if the idea feels right, rather than just rushing headlong into the first idea that comes along.
  • When you're ready, set new goals. Some people know right away what they want to work on. Competitive athletes for example fall into this category. Lots of people need more time though and, as mentioned above, we shouldn't just jump into the next thing without doing a review first.
  • If you continue to feel down, turn to someone for help. Talking it through with a trusted professional can help you work through this kind of difficult time. 

I have a couple of ideas brewing. They are not concrete yet but I'm taking this time to organize some of my messes, look at reference photos, do some research, and experiment with techniques. I'm chomping at the bit to start a new project, but need to remember to be patient so I don't embark on something that's not the right fit.  The recharging of my batteries is so important at this stage. I'll know when I'm ready. 

But first, it's time to review my annual theme or make a new vision board. This may just be the key to taking a step toward my next direction. And I haven't look at my theme since I started on this last project. It's time.


Related Posts:

12 Objectives when Participating in Art or Vendor shows

Annual Theme? Or Vision Board?

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